What Do You Desire in Life?

This story is one of my all time favorites. 

A businessman was on vacation in a small coastal village.  One day, when he was chilling by the sea having a beer, he saw a fisherman docking a small boat with several large fish inside it.

The businessman was impressed by the quality of the fish.  He asked the fisherman how long it took to catch them.

“Just a short while,” the fisherman replied.

“Why didn’t you stay out longer to catch more fish?” the businessman asked.

“I have caught enough to feed the family.  I can even give a few to friends,” the fisherman said as he unloaded the fish.

“So what do you do for the rest of the day?” the businessman was curious.

“I play with my children, take a nap with my wife, then join my buddies to play guitar and have a drink,” the fisherman replied with a big smile on his face.

The businessman laughed. “I have an MBA degree and can help you become successful.  You should spend more time fishing so you have money to buy a bigger boat to catch more fish.  Then you could use the money to buy more boats.  When you have a whole fleet of fishing boats, you could open a production plant for canned fish and set up a distribution network.  Then you could move to the city where you would grow your business.”

“And after that?” the fisherman asked.

“After that, you would be rich and could buy a vacation home in a small coastal village where you would fish a little, play with your children, take a nap with your wife, play guitar and have a drink with your friends.”

What do you desire in life?  Freedom?  Wealth?  Health?  Time with your family? 

Only a tiny amount of people are lucky enough to have it all.  That’s why it is important to learn to focus on what makes you happy, do what gives meaning to your life, and appreciate the things that you have 💛 

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Bettina Lee
Bettina Lee